Setting up for SMS notifications

When you get set up with WealthCharts in the very beginning, your phone number may not be connected to your account! Most members on the platform register their phone numbers so this way they can receive SMS notifications for a Price Alert or Scanner Alert.

If you go to create a scanner or price alert, you might notice that the SMS option is disabled or it is asking you to Add a Phone Number. To do this, you will want to go to User Preferences! Click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the platform and then select User Preferences and the menu will show up with more options.


The page you are looking for in the User Preferences menu is the Personal Information section and this will show you your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number associated with the account. If you have not entered your own phone number for the platform, there will be an "Add Phone Number" button for you to select.

image (6).png

After clicking that, enter your phone number and the system will send you a code to enter verifying the phone number is actually yours.

After that, your account is all set to receive SMS notifications!

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