Trading Simulator

Practice buying and selling shares of your favorite stocks and using those indicators while you are pressed for time just like in the real world! You can set up your custom simulation or throw yourself to the wolves by setting up a random scenario.

To find the Trading Simulator in WealthCharts, follow the instructions below:

- Go to the Main Menu located at the top left corner of the platform.

- Go to the Trading category

- Select Trading Simulator and load it up on to your screen.

- You will be met with a Launch Trading Simulator blue button in the center of the component.

- After the launch, you will see two options. Custom Setup and Random Setup. Custom Setup allows you to choose your own symbol, timeframe, capital, and duration of the simulation. The Random Set up will randomly select everything for you.

When the simulator loads, you will see the chart you selected and this menu below the chart. Follow the number code to learn more about each button:

Sim RAW copy.png

1. Simulator Settings - This allows you to completely redo the simulator by taking you back to the Simulated Trading Wizard.

2. Stats - This shows you the different trades you participated in the current simulation.

Trading stats.png

3. This tells you have many bars are remaining in the simulation.

4. This is your profit and loss for the entire simulation.

5. This area allows you to speed up, pause, or slow down your simulation. You can see your speed setting at the bottom where it says "2 Bars/Second" for example.

6. When you are in a trade during the simulation, this area tells you your position and the current profit and loss of that position.

7. This section will show you Flatten, Buy, and Sell buttons. Use these buttons to control your positions during the simulation.

Did you know that the Trading Simulator has hot keys? Use the guide below to see which key to use for faster execution during the simulation.

Left arrow - Slow down simulation

Space - Pause simulation

Right arrow - Speed up simulation

B - Buy

S - Sell

F - Flatten

To see the Trading Simulator in action, click the video below to learn more:

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